50 Case Studies in
Modern Palmistry
by T Stokes
New Age, Mental and Spiritual Healing
Through palmistry we learn how to time major life events. Palmistry shows you who you are and what your purpose is on Earth, and how best to achieve that purpose. T Stokes, holistic palmist in the United Kingdom, has compiled 50+ case histories of palm readings, many of them from well known celebrities, including Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Hugo Chavez, Robin Williams, the Dalai Lama, Peter O'Toole, Ravis Shankar, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Michael Jackson -- just to mention a few.
ISBN 978-0944851-40-1 March 2015
(updated October 2020)
243 pages $20.00 USD
Kindle ebook $9.95
We Are Among You Already
True Stories of Star Beings on Earth
compiled by Jujuolui Kuita
UFOs, Space Science
Personal life stories of Starseeds and ET Hybrids incarnated on Earth. Their purpose for being here is to help other Starseeds awaken, to unite Earth's Star family, and to help expand the minds of Humanity. A Starseed, or Starbeing, is someone who lives on Earth, but whose soul is of Extraterrestrial (ET) identity and origin. This self-awareness and knowledge of having ET origins is what we call being awakened. Awakening to one's true saelf is a very personal, spiritual and self-empowering journey. This path is most often lonely, challenging and not understood nor supported by mainstream society.
ISBN 978-0944851-31-9 January 2010
250 pages $15.00 USD
Kindle ebook $6.99
Stranded On Earth
The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor
by Commander. Sanni Emyetti Ceto
Autobiography, UFOs, Spirituality
As the reincarnated survivor of the space ship that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, Sanni's life has een filled with challenges and abuse. But she is here now to declare that E.T.s are among us, wheter accept that fact or deny it. This is her story as could only be told by the one who was there.
Editor's Note: This book and its sequel (Zeti Child) include some fascinating information on lifestyles of space beings, including what they eat, how they live, and how their spacecraft operate. Information found nowhere else.
ISBN 978-0944851-22-7 June 2004
128 pages $16.00 USD
Kindle ebook $6.95
Zeti Child
Lost Upon a One Star World
by Commander. Sanni Emyetti Ceto
Autobiography, UFOs, Spirituality
by Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto
UFOs, Space Science, Spirituality
From the author of Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor, comes Commander Sanni Ceto's second book, with more experiences and details about the different races in the galaxy, how people live on other worlds, and details never before revealed about space technology, propulsion, plus interpretation of symbols found aboard the crashed vessel in Roswell in 1947 ... incredible information from a Zeta hybrid with retained memories of her past life as a Zeta Reticulan.
ISBN 978-0944851-26-5 December 2006
144 pages $12.00 USD
Kindle ebook $6.95
Into the Wild Blue and Beyond
by James Parsons
True Stories of Extraterrestrial Contact
An anthology assembled by ufologist and art collector James Parsons. His coverage in the pages of The Star Beacon, MUFON Journal and other UFO publications gives readers a crash course in some of the most intriguing cases, such as the Roswell Incident, the Aztec UFO crash, Swiss contactee Billy Meier, George Van Tassel, and many more. Explore the unknown and make up your own mind about why they are here on Earth at this time.
ISBN 978-0944851-36-4 July 2013
184 pages $15.00 USD
Kindle ebook $9.95
A True UFO Story
by Shirlè Klein-Carsh
and Ann Carol Ulrich
Canadian artist and UFO contactee's
autobiographical accounts
For two years Shirlè Klein-Carsh was in contact with her alien friend. Before Frank left, he gave her physical proof -- something few conrtactees can claim. This is the unusual and intriguing story of Shirlè Klein-Carsh, Canadian surrealist artist and ufologist, whose internationally recognized paintings have been shown throughout the world. Unlike many others who claim contact with extraterrestrials, Shirlè deply cares about humanity, and her love for the Creator is so great that the aliens trusted her with an important assignment to be fulfilled in the coming of the New Age. (includes art by SKC)
ISBN 978-0944851-37-1 July 2013
224 pages $15.00 USD
Kindle ebook $9.95
Throughout All Time
A Cosmic Love Story
by Ann Ulrich Miller
She was married to her high school sweetheart, the mother of three sons. She had long given up the search for her soul mate. He was alone and retired, just hoping for peace and solitude in whatever time had left. He hadn't come to Colorado looking for a girlfriend. He had planned to pull out with his travel trailer the next day, but a freak Labor Day snowstorm blanketed McClure Pass Campground, causing him to delay his trip east a day or two longer ... He didn't realize that a black-and-white photo in newsprint would prompt him to travel 2,000 miles to meet her. She had no idea the part it would play in the cosmic plan that would alter the course of her life. This is Ann Ulrich Miller's very personal account of how she discovered her soul mate and began a new life in order to grow spiritually and spend the next 18 years of her life with her Divine Counterpart throughout all time.
ISBN 978-0944851-29-6 May 2009
320 pages $17.00 USD
Kindle ebook $2.99
Stepping Forth
An American Girl Coming of Age in the '60s
by Ann Ulrich Miller
She was married to her high school sweetheart, the mother of three sons. She had long given up the search for her soul mate. He was alone and retired, just hoping for peace and solitude in whatever time had left. He hadn't come to Colorado looking for a girlfriend. He had planned to pull out with his travel trailer the next day, but a freak Labor Day snowstorm blanketed McClure Pass Campground, causing him to delay his trip east a day or two longer ... He didn't realize that a black-and-white photo in newsprint would prompt him to travel 2,000 miles to meet her. She had no idea the part it would play in the cosmic plan that would alter the course of her life. This is Ann Ulrich Miller's very personal account of how she discovered her soul mate and began a new life in order to grow spiritually and spend the next 18 years of her life with her Divine Counterpart throughout all time.
ISBN 978-0944851-29-6 May 2009
320 pages $17.00 USD
Kindle ebook $2.99
Sheri's Sixth Sense
True Cases of Extrasensory Perception and Experiences of the Paranormal
by Sheri Gould
Clairvoyance, Psychic Phenomena, Extraterrestrial Knowledge and Spiritual Contact
Gifted clairvoyant Sheri Gould shares a life time of experiences communicating with Spirit and entities beyond the veil. Having traveled around the world and visited all 50 states, her amazing ESP encounters and visitations with Star people and entities from different time periods. The accounts in this book are true cases of extrasensory perception, including time travel and star seed encounters. Includes excerpts from The 11 Universal & 11 Spiritual Star Laws as well as Star Family messengers and Spirit Photography, along with intriguing interactions with various individuals who have experienced unusual and enlightening knowledge to share with you.
ISBN 978-0944851-61-6 June 2021
246 pages $15.00
Kindle ebook $4.99